Diagnostics of karma and purpose.
Business and professions.
Karmic compatibility.

Stage 3
We use the tools from both astrology and numerology. We create birth charts and interpret karmic indicators based on them.

As a result, you will learn how to make four in-depth decodings:

  • 1
    Diagnostics of karma and purpose
  • 2
    Karmic compatibility
  • 3
    Forecast for the year
  • 4
    Business and professions

To be successful in all areas of life, you need:

  • To develop all your energies according to the “plus” and know how to manage your potential.
  • To know and perform the tasks for fulfilling your purpose.
  • To work off your karmic debts (if any).
  • Not to let your soul be grounded and to prevent the formation of destructive attachments.
  • Not to create new karmic debts.
  • To prevent the manifestations of karmic diseases and subconscious blocks.
  • To build a career and business in the areas that are favorable for you.
  • To know and perform the tasks for karmic relationships.
  • To take into account the annual influence of the planets on your life and choose favorable periods for certain actions.
You will learn how to do it all at the 3rd Stage.

Course program

Each lesson includes:
  • lecture
  • guidance materials in electronic form
  • home assignment
  • individual study of the material
Lesson 1

Calculation system of the main Personal Significator of Karma (PSK).

Interpretation of the potential of the soul, the tasks for fulfilling the purpose and obstacles based on the PSK.

Structure of incarnations of the soul in the human body on Earth.

Levels of soul development.

Table of automatic calculations.

Connection between personal energies and the tasks of fulfilling the purpose.
Lesson 2

The tasks for fulfilling the purpose by PSK groups.

Practical assignment “Advising a client”.
Lesson 3

The laws of karma. The moral code of the soul.

Birth charts. Working off karma. Types of karmic debts.
Lesson 4

Calculation of the level of grounding of the soul based on the Destiny Triangle.

Calculation and interpretation of karmic debts.

How to work off karmic debts.

Calculation of the additional Personal Significator of Karma, which shows the unfulfilled tasks of the past incarnation.
Lesson 5

Calculation and interpretation of karmic diseases.

Calculation and interpretation of karmic subconscious blocks.
Lesson 6

Practical assignment “Advising a client – diagnostics of karma and purpose.”

Example of decoding “Diagnostics of karma and purpose” with video explanations.
Lesson 7

Karmic compatibility. Karmic tasks in a couple.

Relationships in past lifetimes. Why am I given this person?

Calculations and interpretations.
Lesson 8

Planets in the houses of a birth chart. Influence of planets on life cycles.

Forecast for the year.

Practical assignment “Advising a client on life cycles.”

Example of decoding with video explanations.
Lesson 9

Plotting a graph "Business and professions"

Analysis of balance of the wheel of life.

Analysis of periods for building a business.

Plotting a graph of energy expenditure relative to professions.
Lesson 10

Practical assignment “Advising a client on business and professions.”

Example of decoding with video explanations.
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